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Legend (Public/Hunting_RLU_StandAgeClass_Salesforce)

Roads (0)
Interstate Interstate
US/State Highway US/State Highway
Highways Highways
State and County Roads State and County Roads
Public Road Public Road
Private Road Private Road
Mainline Forest Roads Mainline Forest Roads
Forest Roads Forest Roads
Class I Company Road Class I Company Road
Class II Company Road Class II Company Road
Class III Company Road Class III Company Road
Construction Construction
ReConstruction ReConstruction
Undrivable Roads and Jeep Trails Undrivable Roads and Jeep Trails
Trail Trail
Railroads Railroads
<all other values> <all other values>
Active Timbersales (1)
Forest Age-Class (2)
Plantation Age < 15 Plantation Age < 15
Forest Age-Class (3)
Plantation Age 15 - 29 Plantation Age 15 - 29
Forest Age-Class (4)
Plantation Age 30 + Plantation Age 30 +
Other (5)
Recent Harvest Recent Harvest
Natural Natural
Non-Forest Non-Forest