Hunting RLU (0)
Hunting RLU-Green (1)
Access Point (2)
Permit Area (3)
Access Route (4)
Walk-in Area (5)
Rayonier Food Plots (6)
Roads (7)
| Interstate |
| US/State Highway |
| Highways |
| State and County Roads |
| Public Road |
| Private Road |
| Mainline Forest Roads |
| Forest Roads |
| Class I Company Road |
| Class II Company Road |
| Class III Company Road |
| Construction |
| ReConstruction |
| Undrivable Roads and Jeep Trails |
| Trail |
| Railroads |
| <all other values> |
Hunting RLU - MidZoom (8)
Hunting RLU-Green - MidZoom (9)
State (10)
County (11)
Permit Area-Purple (12)